dedicate for all my friend,
ini pemandangan yang setiap hari ku lihat
hamparan rerumputan hijau yang berkilau
sadarkah, ketika kita melihat terlalu lama
maka mata kita akan mulai "kabur" akan keadaan sekitar dan hanya akan fokus pada hijaunya rumput.
Tahukah anda? wanita pemetik daun teh, memiliki penyakit mata yang dapat membuat mereka buta?
Mereka bekerja untuk memetik daun teh pilihan, di hamparan daun teh yang luas, sejauh mata memandang hanya warna hijau yang terlihat.
setiap saat hal ini terjadi, mata mereka akhirnya kehilangan sensitifitasnya untuk melihat warna lain selain hijau.
Tetapi ada satu pohon yang menjadi harapan mereka, jika mata mereka terlalu lelah atau kehilangan fokus akibat terlalu memfokuskan pada satu warna, maka mereka akan melihat ke pohon ini.
Teman saya menamakan pohon ini adalah "Christmas Tree", pohon yang terlihat biasa saja, dari daunnya anda akan dapat bedakan, daunnya berwarna warni, tidak hijau, tetapi ada yang merah dan kuning. pohon inilah yang membantu untuk "relaksasi" bagi mata para pemetik daun teh.
Ketika kita kehilangan fokus karena terlalu berfokus, kepada apakah atau siapakah yang menjadi "relaksasi" hidupmu?
Ketika keluarga kita mulai terabaikan karena kita terlalu sibuk bekerja, siapakah yang menjadi penengah?
Dan jangan sampai anda tidak berfokus, akibatnya adalah apapun yang anda petik bukanlah hasil yang terbaik.
Seimbangkanlah hidupmu. Anda tahu mana yang terbaik bagi hidupmu.
Semua hal di dunia ini bermula. Hanya di mulai dengan kata-kata. Dan hari ini, duniaku akan bermula. TERCATAT. How About You?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
"My Bucket List"
My Dream Come True
- Go Around the world, at least 10% of countries, it's mean more less 25 countries.
- I will going to Metro Ministries, New York - USA. Learn from Bill Wilson Directly.
- I will have $ 40.000 at 2010. $ 10.000 for wedding party; $ 10.000 for Apartment; $ 10.000 for Car; $ 10.000 for Capital Financial
- I will build "The Stellenbosch Camp Site", Refreshment place, Green Living, Waterfall, Hills, River, Hiking Trek, Guest House, Sport's Field, Swimming Pool, Conservation, Hi Rope Stations, Buses, Hot Spot and Product Homemade.
- I will be an Expert Trainer in Central Asia for Sports, Human Resources, Children and Environmental Awareness Training.
- Every Project's in a future will be supported by Goverment for Funding, Facilities, Human Resources, Securities, Media and Permission.
- My life will be Inspiration and Influence for new generations. If somebody put my name in a search web, they will find a stories of my life as a most Inspiring & Influencing People.
- I will release a books of games, books of my life and journey's and books for children.
- Inspired by "Pursuit of Happiness". I will build a guest house for homeless, they can stay at least 3 days and 2 nights.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
And what does a SERVANT do?
He/she does “The Next Task”.
He/she does what is available and ready for him/her to do.
Those without such an attitude resist getting their hands dirty.
They never want to get involved in the messy part of working with people.
They always want the polished part and the popular part.
But, the TOUGH Stuff behind the scenes?
Well, give that to someone else.
God, however, will use our failures and setbacks to cultivate within us, a SERVANT’s HEART.
That is step one.
It is all part of the Process.
And what does a SERVANT do?
He/she does “The Next Task”.
He/she does what is available and ready for him/her to do.
Those without such an attitude resist getting their hands dirty.
They never want to get involved in the messy part of working with people.
They always want the polished part and the popular part.
But, the TOUGH Stuff behind the scenes?
Well, give that to someone else.
God, however, will use our failures and setbacks to cultivate within us, a SERVANT’s HEART.
That is step one.
It is all part of the Process.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Max Jones (12 tahun)
Seorang anak laki-laki AS telah membuat jejaring video yang mengkhususkan diri pada semua berita baik di dunia karena ia berpendapat berita hari ini terlalu membuat depresi.
Max Jones, anak sekolah yang berusia 12 tahun dari Orlando, Florida, sudah mendirikan Weekend News Today dengan alamat Di jejaring itu ia menjadi "petugas senior".
Ia juga menetapkan sasaran untuk memimpin jaringan dengan 15 laman pada masa depan. Jejaring tersebut menarik minat 5.000 pengunjung sehari dan telah menarik perhatian banyak remaja yang tak dibayar dari seluruh dunia untuk menulis dan mengedit isi tulisan serta video."Saya benar-benar berpendapat bahwa seseorang dapat membuat perbedaan di dunia, hanya dengan sedikit demi sedikit," kata Max Jones.
Max Jones memperoleh gagasan semacam itu ketika ia menyaksikan retrospektif akhir tahun mengenai tayangan Today. Ia menjadi tertarik pada jurnalisme dan mengubah WC kamar tidurnya jadi studio televisi pada Desember 2008. "Anda memiliki demikian banyak kesempatan dengan menjadi wartawan, dan Anda dapat menyaksikan banyak hal yang orang lain takkan dapat lihat. Saya hanya ingin ke luar ke sana sekarang, dan saya ingin memulai banyak hal sebelum orang lain melakukannya. Saya ingin unggul dalam permainan," kata anak sekolah tersebut.
Ia biasanya menghabiskan waktu selama lima jam setiap pekan—dan lebih banyak lagi pada musim panas untuk mencatat segmen videonya di rumah dan di satu laboratorium komputer. "Ini adalah anak muda yang muncul untuk mengubah dunia, dan ia sangat peduli dengan dunia, dan ia sangat muda," kata Lillian Wu, yang berusia 18 tahun dan menulis untuk Weekend News Today."Ini sungguh memberi ilham.
Begitu banyak orang yang lebih tua bahkan tak peduli sama sekali atau benar-benar tidak acuh, dan ia tampil dengan membuat suaranya didengar, dan ia baru berumur 12 tahun," katanya.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
"Dear : Mr. President"
Melissa and friends geared up to do what it takes to save Earth
National Catholic Reporter, March 13, 1998 by Teresa Malcolm
In the summer of 1989, an episode of the television show "Highway to Heaven" disturbed Melissa Poe in Nashville, Tenn. The 9-year-old saw an angel played by Michael Landon take the viewer 25 years into the future and show what the earth would look like if no solutions to environmental problems were found. The earth was dead, there were no trees, children were dying of cancer.
"It showed the world that was my future, and it was a world I couldn't survive in," said Poe, whose family worships at St. Henry Parish in the Nashville diocese.
Landon spoke at the end of the television show, saying it was not too late to change this bleak future. Trish Poe could see that her daughter was upset and encouraged her to deal with those feelings by taking action. But even her mother was amazed by the persistence and dedication Poe showed -- and where her activism would take her. "Believe me. I had no idea," Trish Poe said.
Now 18, Poe has traveled across the United States and as far as Brazil in her work for the environment. She is the founder of Kids For a Clean Environment or Kids F.A.C.E., a worldwide children's environmental organization she led for eight years.
After watching the "Highway to Heaven" episode, Poe wrote a letter to then-President George Bush, telling him how concerned she was and asking him to help. The president seemed an ideal choice to spread the word about saving the environment.
"She figured he could get on television any time he wanted," Trish Poe recalled. "When he wanted," write her back, she decided it was up to her to get people involved."
The president eventually did reply, Poe said. Several months later, the White House sent a form letter that told her to stay in school and not do drugs. There was no mention of the environment. "At first it made me angry, but then it just made me want to do something more," she said.
Poe was recycling, planting trees, talking to friends and writing letters to newspapers and politicians -- "just anything to get involved," she said. She recruited six friends to form Kids F.A.C.E. at Percy Priest Elementary School.
She called billboard companies and convinced them to donate advertising space. By April of 1990, she had 250 billboards with her letter to Bush posted across the United States.
With the billboards, local news coverage of her activities and an appearance on the "Today Show," Poe began to receive letters from other children asking what they could do. Poe suggested to them that they start their own Kids F.A.C.E. club at school. The result is that Poe's club has grown from her six friends to 300,000 members in 20 countries. The organization's newsletter, Kids F.A.C.E. Illustrated, goes out to over 3 million people.
In addition to being an informational resource for Kids F.A.C.E. chapters, the organization has held leadership workshops for children, training them in public speaking and environmental issues. So far they have held about 10 and hope to conduct four a year.
"Kids were the one that heard the message and they were the ones who responded to the call for help," said Trish Poe.
Trish Poe gave up her plant leasing business to work for Kids F.A.C.E. Her husband, Pat, was the group's primary financial supporter in the beginning. Eventually expenses grew beyond the family's means, and the organization acquired funding from Wal-Mart, still a major sponsor.
In addition to doing the day-to-day work needed to run Kids F.A.C.E., Melissa Poe was increasingly sought after as a speaker. She spoke at the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil. "You took a family who rarely even went on vacations, and suddenly the two women in the family are headed off to California, Florida and Brazil!" Trish Poe told NCR.
Adults function in a supportive role in the organization, primarily through membership on the Chalk Board -- so called because the group's 9-year-old founder couldn't remember advisory board. Past Chalk Board members have included Michael Landon and then-Sen. Al Gore of Tennessee, who was one of the first people to respond to Poe's letters.
Poe herself will continue to be on the board, but in October 1997, she stepped down as president, handing the reins over to Rachel Jones and Ashley Craw, both 15. Poe said she is too old to lead the organization. "There's a lot of clubs out there that say they're run by kids, but that's not exactly true," she said.
Poe, a senior at Father Ryan High School in Nashville, thinks she will always be an advocate for environmental causes, but she is not sure she wants to make that a career. Thanks to her many appearances on television, one of her dreams is broadcast journalism, allowing her to turn the tables and be an interviewer. She also has her eye on a political career, with a big ambition: to be president. "And I will always write my letters back right!" she promised.
Meanwhile, she is applying for college next fall and will continue in Kids F.A.C.E. as a mentor for their projects, such as the new "One In a Million" campaign
Kids F.A.C.E.'s newsletter and Web site ( has publicized the campaign, giving members information on how to raise the funds for a tree, where and how to plant it and how to care for it. The One In a Million Project was launched Nov. 3, with Tennessee Gov. Don Sundquist planting the first tree at Father Ryan High School.
"Sometimes people think they can't do much, because they're only one person," Poe said. "But we need that one person. When you think in terms of total world Population, one in a million becomes a big number. One in a million can make a difference."
National Catholic Reporter, March 13, 1998 by Teresa Malcolm
In the summer of 1989, an episode of the television show "Highway to Heaven" disturbed Melissa Poe in Nashville, Tenn. The 9-year-old saw an angel played by Michael Landon take the viewer 25 years into the future and show what the earth would look like if no solutions to environmental problems were found. The earth was dead, there were no trees, children were dying of cancer.
"It showed the world that was my future, and it was a world I couldn't survive in," said Poe, whose family worships at St. Henry Parish in the Nashville diocese.
Landon spoke at the end of the television show, saying it was not too late to change this bleak future. Trish Poe could see that her daughter was upset and encouraged her to deal with those feelings by taking action. But even her mother was amazed by the persistence and dedication Poe showed -- and where her activism would take her. "Believe me. I had no idea," Trish Poe said.
Now 18, Poe has traveled across the United States and as far as Brazil in her work for the environment. She is the founder of Kids For a Clean Environment or Kids F.A.C.E., a worldwide children's environmental organization she led for eight years.
After watching the "Highway to Heaven" episode, Poe wrote a letter to then-President George Bush, telling him how concerned she was and asking him to help. The president seemed an ideal choice to spread the word about saving the environment.
"She figured he could get on television any time he wanted," Trish Poe recalled. "When he wanted," write her back, she decided it was up to her to get people involved."
The president eventually did reply, Poe said. Several months later, the White House sent a form letter that told her to stay in school and not do drugs. There was no mention of the environment. "At first it made me angry, but then it just made me want to do something more," she said.
Poe was recycling, planting trees, talking to friends and writing letters to newspapers and politicians -- "just anything to get involved," she said. She recruited six friends to form Kids F.A.C.E. at Percy Priest Elementary School.
She called billboard companies and convinced them to donate advertising space. By April of 1990, she had 250 billboards with her letter to Bush posted across the United States.
With the billboards, local news coverage of her activities and an appearance on the "Today Show," Poe began to receive letters from other children asking what they could do. Poe suggested to them that they start their own Kids F.A.C.E. club at school. The result is that Poe's club has grown from her six friends to 300,000 members in 20 countries. The organization's newsletter, Kids F.A.C.E. Illustrated, goes out to over 3 million people.
In addition to being an informational resource for Kids F.A.C.E. chapters, the organization has held leadership workshops for children, training them in public speaking and environmental issues. So far they have held about 10 and hope to conduct four a year.
"Kids were the one that heard the message and they were the ones who responded to the call for help," said Trish Poe.
Trish Poe gave up her plant leasing business to work for Kids F.A.C.E. Her husband, Pat, was the group's primary financial supporter in the beginning. Eventually expenses grew beyond the family's means, and the organization acquired funding from Wal-Mart, still a major sponsor.
In addition to doing the day-to-day work needed to run Kids F.A.C.E., Melissa Poe was increasingly sought after as a speaker. She spoke at the 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil. "You took a family who rarely even went on vacations, and suddenly the two women in the family are headed off to California, Florida and Brazil!" Trish Poe told NCR.
Adults function in a supportive role in the organization, primarily through membership on the Chalk Board -- so called because the group's 9-year-old founder couldn't remember advisory board. Past Chalk Board members have included Michael Landon and then-Sen. Al Gore of Tennessee, who was one of the first people to respond to Poe's letters.
Poe herself will continue to be on the board, but in October 1997, she stepped down as president, handing the reins over to Rachel Jones and Ashley Craw, both 15. Poe said she is too old to lead the organization. "There's a lot of clubs out there that say they're run by kids, but that's not exactly true," she said.
Poe, a senior at Father Ryan High School in Nashville, thinks she will always be an advocate for environmental causes, but she is not sure she wants to make that a career. Thanks to her many appearances on television, one of her dreams is broadcast journalism, allowing her to turn the tables and be an interviewer. She also has her eye on a political career, with a big ambition: to be president. "And I will always write my letters back right!" she promised.
Meanwhile, she is applying for college next fall and will continue in Kids F.A.C.E. as a mentor for their projects, such as the new "One In a Million" campaign
Kids F.A.C.E.'s newsletter and Web site ( has publicized the campaign, giving members information on how to raise the funds for a tree, where and how to plant it and how to care for it. The One In a Million Project was launched Nov. 3, with Tennessee Gov. Don Sundquist planting the first tree at Father Ryan High School.
"Sometimes people think they can't do much, because they're only one person," Poe said. "But we need that one person. When you think in terms of total world Population, one in a million becomes a big number. One in a million can make a difference."
Monday, August 17, 2009
Suatu hari di bulan juli.
Perjalanan menakjubkan melintasi pegunungan dan bukit.
Di balik bukit batu, bentangan pantai berpasir putih menanti.
Pantai misterius nan eksotis...
Saat dimana perjumpaan buih-buih cinta antara Atlantic dan Hindia
menjadikan pantai ini penuh "kehangatan cinta"...
Ikan paus menjadi simbol kota kecil ini.
Dan keberuntungan tiba, saat ini adalah waktu dimana koloni mamalia ini melahirkan dan membesarkan anak-anaknya.
Induknya akan melahirkan dan membesarkannya dengan didampingi kedua orang tuanya, dan akan menjaga dengan nyawanya, hingga sang anak siap menuju perjalanan bawah laut melintasi 7 samudera.
berkali-kali mereka memperlihatkan kekuatan dari hempasan ekornya ke udara.
Pemandangan Menakjubkan..
Tak terlupakan...
Disamping itu juga, pantai yang terletak 1,5 jam dari Cape Town merupakan lokasi konsentrasi terbesar di dunia bagi koloni Hiu Putih atau biasa disebut "The Great SHARK".
Koloni ini hanya menuju lokasi ini untuk berburu, karena saat-saat ini adalah dimana rantai makanan terpusat ke satu titik "kehangatan cinta".
Untungnya saat itu hanya tarian ekor GREAT WHEAL yang terlihat,
dan beruntungnya tiba-tiba di pinggir pantai ada seekor PINGUIN yang terlihat "sekarat" seolah-olah kebingungan mungkin karena dia kehilangan komunitasnya.
Entah, pinguin ini takut dengan Great SHARK, atau karena dia merasa sendirian?
Meskipun sudah dikembalikan ke laut, dia tetap kembali ke pantai.
3 hewan yang dapat memberi pelajaran kehidupan bagi kita.
Seberapa penting komunitas bagi kehidupan kita?
Apakah komunitas anda memberi perlindungan, arahan dan membangun hidup?
Koloni ikan paus, koloni ikan hiu putih atau "Lonely Pinguin"?
Perjalanan menakjubkan melintasi pegunungan dan bukit.
Di balik bukit batu, bentangan pantai berpasir putih menanti.
Pantai misterius nan eksotis...
Saat dimana perjumpaan buih-buih cinta antara Atlantic dan Hindia
menjadikan pantai ini penuh "kehangatan cinta"...
Ikan paus menjadi simbol kota kecil ini.
Dan keberuntungan tiba, saat ini adalah waktu dimana koloni mamalia ini melahirkan dan membesarkan anak-anaknya.
Induknya akan melahirkan dan membesarkannya dengan didampingi kedua orang tuanya, dan akan menjaga dengan nyawanya, hingga sang anak siap menuju perjalanan bawah laut melintasi 7 samudera.
berkali-kali mereka memperlihatkan kekuatan dari hempasan ekornya ke udara.
Pemandangan Menakjubkan..
Tak terlupakan...
Disamping itu juga, pantai yang terletak 1,5 jam dari Cape Town merupakan lokasi konsentrasi terbesar di dunia bagi koloni Hiu Putih atau biasa disebut "The Great SHARK".
Koloni ini hanya menuju lokasi ini untuk berburu, karena saat-saat ini adalah dimana rantai makanan terpusat ke satu titik "kehangatan cinta".
Untungnya saat itu hanya tarian ekor GREAT WHEAL yang terlihat,
dan beruntungnya tiba-tiba di pinggir pantai ada seekor PINGUIN yang terlihat "sekarat" seolah-olah kebingungan mungkin karena dia kehilangan komunitasnya.
Entah, pinguin ini takut dengan Great SHARK, atau karena dia merasa sendirian?
Meskipun sudah dikembalikan ke laut, dia tetap kembali ke pantai.
3 hewan yang dapat memberi pelajaran kehidupan bagi kita.
Seberapa penting komunitas bagi kehidupan kita?
Apakah komunitas anda memberi perlindungan, arahan dan membangun hidup?
Koloni ikan paus, koloni ikan hiu putih atau "Lonely Pinguin"?
First Day
sebuah perjalanan yang menakjubkan
pengalaman yang tak terlupakan
keraguan berubah menjadi kepastian
impian menjadi kenyataan
pengalaman yang tak terlupakan
keraguan berubah menjadi kepastian
impian menjadi kenyataan
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